
class panco2.PressureProfileFitter(sz_map_file, hdu_data, hdu_rms, z, M_500, coords_center=None, map_size=None, cosmo=FlatLambdaCDM(H0=70.0 km / (Mpc s), Om0=0.3, Tcmb0=0.0 K, Neff=3.04, m_nu=None, Ob0=None))

The main class of panco2, that manages data loading, model definition, and MCMC sampling.

  • sz_map_file (str) – Path to a FITS file containing the SZ map and noise RMS

  • hdu_data (int) – Index of the FITS extension in which the SZ map is stored

  • hdu_rms (int) – Index of the FITS extension in which the RMS map is stored

  • z (float) – Cluster’s redshift

  • M_500 (float) – A guess of the cluster’s mass [Msun]. This is used to build the starting point of the MCMC.

  • coords_center (astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord, optional) – Coordinate to consider as the center of the map. If None (default), the center of the FITS map is used.

  • map_size (float, optional) – The size of the map to be considered [arcmin]. If None (default), the entire FITS map is used.

  • cosmo (astropy.cosmology.Cosmology, optional) – The cosmology to assume for distance computations. Defaults to flat LCDM with h=0.7, Om0=0.3.

add_covmat(covmat=None, inv_covmat=None)

Adds in a (inverse) noise covariance matrix to be used in the log-likelihood computation, in order to account for spatial correlations in the noise. The panco2.noise_covariance module offers ways to compute such matrices from different types of inputs: noise power spectrum, noise maps, etc – see documentation.

  • covmat (ndarray, optional) – Noise covariance matrix [data units**2]. shape=(n_pix_map**2, n_pix_map**2).

  • inv_covmat (ndarray, optional) – Inverse noise covariance matrix [data units**2]. shape=(n_pix_map**2, n_pix_map**2).


Exception – If neither the covariance matrix or inverted covariance matrix is provided.


If inv_covmat is provided, it is taken as-is for the log-likelihood computation. If it is not, and covmat is given, the code will try to compute the Moore-Penrose pseudo-inverse matrix using scipy.linalg.pinv, and check that the matrix product C @ C-1 is close to identity.

add_filtering(beam_fwhm=0.0, pad=0, ell=None, tf=None)

Initialize convolution by a beam and transfer function in the model computation.

  • beam_fwhm (float, optional) – The FWHM of your gaussian beam [arcsec]. Can be set to 0 if you don’t want beam convolution (e.g. if the beam is already in the transfer function).

  • tf (array) – Filtering measurement.

  • ell (array | tuple of arrays) – Multipole moments at which the filtering was measured. Can be a tuple of ellx and elly, see Notes.

  • pad (int) – Padding to be added to the sides of the map before convolution [pixels].


  • The code can deal with 1D or 2D transfer functions, depending on the inputs:

    • For a 1D transfer function (isotropic filtering), ell and tf should be 1D arrays of same shape

    • For a 2D transfer function, ell should be a tuple of two 1D arrays (ell_x and ell_y), and tf should be a 2D array with shape as the outer product (ell_x x ell_y)

add_integ_Y(Y, dY, r)

Add a constraint on the integrated Compton parameter to the fit.

  • Y (float) – Integrated Compton parameter value [kpc2]

  • dY (float) – 1 sigma uncertainty on Y [kpc2]

  • r (float) – Radius within which the Compton parameter was integrated [kpc]


Add a mask to discard part of the data in the model fitting. The panco2.masks module offers ways to create this mask for some standard usecases – see documentation.


mask (np.ndarray) – Boolean mask, where True means the pixel is masked. shape=(n_pix_map, n_pix_map).

  • Exception – If the mask is not an array of the right shape.

  • Warning – If more than half the map pixels are masked.

add_point_sources(coords, beam_fwhm)

Add point sources to the model.

  • coords (list of astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord) – The positions of each source in the sky

  • beam_fwhm (float [arcsec]) – The FWHM of the Gaussian model to be used for point sources

define_model(r_bins, zero_level=True)

Define options of the model to be used to fit the map.

  • r_bins (array) – List of radial bins [kpc].

  • zero_level (bool, optional) – If True (default), a constant zero level in the map is also fitted.

define_priors(P_bins=None, conv=<scipy.stats._distn_infrastructure.rv_continuous_frozen object>, zero=<scipy.stats._distn_infrastructure.rv_continuous_frozen object>, ps_fluxes=[])
  • P_bins (ss.distributions or list of ss.distributions) – Priors on the pressure bins in binned profile mode. If only one distribution, all bins will have the same prior. If a list, the length should be the number of bins. [keV cm-3]

  • conv (ss.distributions instance) – Prior on the conversion coefficient. Defaults to N(0, 1). [map units]

  • zero (ss.distributions instance) – Prior on the zero level of the map. Defaults to N(0, 1). [map units]

  • ps_fluxes (list of ss.distributions) – Priors on the flux of each point source [map units]


Exception – If the list of priors don’t have the same size as the list of parameters (for the point source fluxes or the pressure bins).


To create distributions, use the scipy.stats module.


  • Normal distribution with mean 0 and spread 1:

    import scipy.stats as ss

    prior_on_parameter = ss.norm(0.0, 1.0)

  • Uniform distribution between 0 and 1:

    import scipy.stats as ss

    prior_on_parameter = ss.uniform(0.0, 1.0)


Writes a PressureProfileFitter object as a dill serialized file.


file_name (str) – Name of the file to write

classmethod load_from_file(file_name)

Load a PressureProfileFitter object from a dill serialized file.


file_name (str) – Name of the file dump


The panco2.PressureProfileFitter object

Return type


run_mcmc(n_chains, max_steps, n_threads, n_check=1000.0, max_delta_tau=0.01, min_autocorr_times=100, out_chains_file='./chains.npz', plot_convergence=None, progress=True, verbose_monitor=True)

Runs MCMC sampling of the posterior distribution.

  • n_chains (int) – Number of emcee walkers

  • max_steps (int) – Maximum number of steps in the Markov chains. The final number of points can be lower if convergence is accepted before max_steps is reached – see Notes.

  • n_threads (int) – Number of parallel threads to use

  • n_check (int) – Number of steps between two convergence checks

  • max_delta_tau (float) – Maximum relative difference of the autocorrelation length between two convergence checks to end sampling

  • min_autocorr_times (int) – Minimum ratio between the chains length and the autocorrelation length to end samlling

  • out_chains_file (str) – Path to a .npz file in which the chains will be stored. Default: “./chains.npz”.

  • plot_convergence (str or None) – Filename to save a plot of the autocorrelation function evolution and convergence test. If None (default), the plot is not produced.

  • progress (bool) – If True (default), displays a progressbar showing the sampling progression

  • verbose_monitor (bool) – If True (default), prints the result of each convergence check


chains – Markov chains. Each key is a parameter, and the values are 2D arrays of shape (n_chains, n_steps).

Return type



  • The convergence check are performed every n_check steps. Convergence is accepted if:

    • In the last two checks, the mean autocorrelation time had a relative variation smaller than max_delta_tau compared to the previous step.

    • The chain is longer than min_autocorr_times times the current mean autocorrelation time.

write_sim_map(par_vec, out_file, filter_noise=False, corr_noise=False)

Write a FITS map with given parameter values

  • par_vec (list or array) – Vector in the parameter space

  • out_file (str) – Path to a FITS file to which the map will be written. If the file already exists, it will be overwritten.

  • filter_noise (bool) – If True, convolve the noise realization by your filtering kernel. Defaults to False.

  • corr_noise (bool) – If True, the random noise realization will be drawn using the noise covariance matrix. Defaults to False.


The created FITS file contains the following extensions:

  • HDU 0: primary, contains header and no data.

  • HDU 1: TOTAL, contains the model map (SZ+PS+noise) and header.

  • HDU 2: SZ, contains the SZ model map and header.

  • HDU 3: PS, contains the PS model map and header.

  • HDU 4: NOISE, contains the noise map realization and header.

  • HDU 5: RMS, contains the noise RMS map and header.

All maps are cropped identically to the data used for the fit, and the headers are adjusted accordingly.


panco2.results.get_best_fit(chains_clean, ppf)

Get best-fit from Markov chains.

  • chains_clean (pd.DataFrame) – Dataframe of the chains, produced by clean_chains()

  • ppf (panco2.PressureProfileFitter) – The main PressureProfileFitter object created for the fit. Used to compute the number of degrees of freedom.


  • int – The index of the best-fit vector in chains_clean

  • float – The value of reduced chi2 for the best-fit

  • dict – The best-fitting parameters

panco2.results.load_chains(out_chains_file, burn, discard, clip_percent=0, verbose=False)

Loads raw Markov chains, cleans them, and arranges them in a convenient data frame.

  • out_chains_file (str) – Path to the npz file containing the raw chains produced by panco2.PressureProfileFitter.run_mcmc

  • burn (int) – Length to discard as burn-in.

  • discard (int) – Thinning length. See Notes.

  • clip_percent (float) – Percentile considered as extreme to weed-out bad chains. See Notes.

  • verbose (bool) – Wether or not you want results of the cleaning to be printed.


chains_clean – Cleaned chains in a DataFrame. Keys are the parameter names, as well as lnprior (log-prior value), lnlike (log-likelihood), chain (which walker the sample belongs to) and step (which step of the walk the sample was obtained at).

Return type



Cleaning is done as follows:

  1. Discard burn burn-in steps and keep one sample every discard steps

  2. Find chains that are always out of the [clip_percent, 100 - clip_percent] interval for every parameter and discard them.

panco2.results.mcmc_corner_plot(chains_clean, per_chain=False, show_probs=True, filename=None, ppf=None)

Plots 1D and 2D posterior sampled by the MCMC.

  • chains_clean (pd.DataFrame) – Markov chains, output of load_chains

  • per_chain (bool) – If True, plots one distribution per chain. This can make very cluttered plots.

  • show_probs (bool) – Wether or not the log likelihood and log prior chains should be shown along with the parameters

  • filename (str or None) – Filename to save the plot

  • ppf (PressureProfileFitter instance or None) – The main panco2.PressureProfileFitter instance. If provided, the marginal prior distribution will be shown for comparison with the posterior.

Return type


panco2.results.mcmc_matrices_plot(chains_clean, ppf, filename=None)

Produces an overly complicated plot of the correlation and covariance matrices of Markov chains, where:

  • The lower corner (diagonal not included) shows the correlation coefficient between parameters;

  • The upper corner (diagonal included) shows the absolute covariance between parameters.

  • chains_clean (pd.DataFrame) – Markov chains, output of load_chains

  • ppf (PressureProfileFitter instance) – The main panco2.PressureProfileFitter instance.

  • filename (str or None) – Filename to save the plot

Return type

fig, ax

panco2.results.mcmc_trace_plot(chains_clean, show_probs=True, filename=None)

Create MCMC trace plots, i.e. chains evolution with steps.

  • chains_clean (pd.DataFrame) – Markov chains, output of load_chains

  • show_probs (bool) – Wether or not the log likelihood and log prior chains should be shown along with the parameters

  • filename (str or None) – Filename to save the plot

Return type


panco2.results.plot_data_model_residuals(ppf, par_vec=None, par_dic=None, smooth=0.0, fig=None, axs=None, lims=None, cbar_label=None, cbar_fact=1.0, cbar_hztl=False, cmap='RdBu_r', mask_color='0.75', snr_contours=None, separate_ps_model=False, filename_plot=None, filename_maps=None)

Plot data, model, and residuals maps.

  • ppf (PressureProfileFitter instance) – The main panco2.PressureProfileFitter instance.

  • par_vec (list or None) – Vector in the parameter space to use to compute the model map to be shown. Either one of par_vec or par_dic must be provided.

  • par_dic (dict or None) – Same as par_vec, but in a dictionary. Either one of par_vec or par_dic must be provided.

  • smooth (float [pixels]) – Width (sigma) of a gaussian kernel to be used to smooth the maps, for visual purposes.

  • fig (plt.Figure or None) – If provided, an existing figure can be used

  • axs (list of plt.Axis or None) – If provided, existing axes can be used. The length of the list must be consistent with the number of maps to show

  • lims (tuple or None) – Limits of the color maps, in data units

  • cbar_label (str or None) – Label for the colorbar

  • cbar_fact (float) – A factor by which all maps are to be multiplied before plotting. Useful for very small units like Compton-y or Jy/beam

  • cbar_hztl (bool) – Makes the colorbar horizontal instead of vertical.

  • cmap (str or mpl.colors.Colorbar) – The color map to use. Always make pretty plots!

  • mask_color (matplotlib color) – Color to fill the masked pixels with.

  • snr_contours (None or array-like) – Signal-to-noise levels to be overplotted as contours, in numbers of sigma.

  • separate_ps_model (bool) – If your model fits both SZ and point sources, makes the model and residuals for SZ/PS/SZ+PS (i.e. 7 total plots)

  • filename_plot (str or None) – Filename to save the plot

  • filename_maps (str or None) – Filename to save the maps in FITS format

Return type

fig, axs


Exception – If neither par_vec or par_dic are provided.

panco2.results.plot_data_model_residuals_1d(ppf, par_vec=None, par_dic=None, chains_clean=None, fig=None, ax=None, y_label=None, y_fact=1.0, x_log=False, plot_beam=True, filename=None)
  • ppf (PressureProfileFitter instance) – The main panco2.PressureProfileFitter instance.

  • par_vec (list or None) – Vector in the parameter space to use to compute the model map to be shown. Either one of par_vec or par_dic must be provided.

  • par_dic (dict or None) – Same as par_vec, but in a dictionary. Either one of par_vec or par_dic must be provided.

  • chains_clean (pd.DataFrame) – Markov chains, output of load_chains

  • fig (plt.Figure or None) – If provided, an existing figure can be used

  • ax (plt.Axis or None) – If provided, existing axes can be used. The length of the list must be consistent with the number of maps to show

  • y_label (str or None) – Label for the y axis

  • y_fact (float) – A factor by which all profiles are to be multiplied before plotting. Useful for very small units like Compton-y or Jy/beam

  • x_log (bool) – Log-scale for the x axis

  • plot_beam (bool) – Overplot the beam profile.

  • filename (str or None) – Filename to save the plot

Return type

fig, ax


Exception – if neither par_dic, par_vec, or chains_clean are provided.


If par_dic or par_vec are provided, only one line will be plotted for the model (corresponding to one position in the parameter space). If chains_clean is provided, confidence intervals will be drawn, giving more information, but making the process slower.

panco2.results.plot_profile(chains_clean, ppf, r_range, P_compare=None, kwargs_compare={}, label=None, filename=None, **kwargs)

Plots the pressure profile recovered by PANCO2 from the Markov chains.

  • chains_clean (pd.DataFrame) – Markov chains, output of load_chains

  • ppf (PressureProfileFitter instance) – The main panco2.PressureProfileFitter instance.

  • r_range (np.array [kpc]) – The radial range on which to show the profile.

  • P_compare (np.array [keV cm-3] or None) – A profile to compare panco2’s results with, such as the true profile when using simulated maps. Must be the same shape as r_range. If provided, a bottom panel will be added showing the ratio between results and P_compare.

  • kwargs_compare (dict) – keyword arguments to pass plt.plot for the compared profile (should include label, and any other style info you want)

  • label (str or None) – Label of the curve for legend purposes

  • filename (str or None) – Filename to save the plot

  • **kwargs (dict) – Other options to pass to plt.plot

Return type

fig, axs


panco2.noise_covariance.covmat_from_noise_maps(noise_maps, method='lw')

Computes the pixel noise covariance matrix and its inverse from random noise realizations.

  • noise_maps (ndarray) – The noise realizations, shape=(n_maps, nx, nx)

  • method (str, optional) – How to compute the covariance. Must be either “np”, in which case the covariance is the sample covariance computed via numpy.cov, or “lw” for the Ledoit-Wolf covariance estimated using sklearn.covariance.ledoit_wolf() (default).


  • ndarray – The covariance matrix, shape=(nx^2, nx^2)

  • ndarray – The inverted covariance matrix, shape=(nx^2, nx^2)


Exception – If method is not set to “np” or “lw”

panco2.noise_covariance.covmat_from_powspec(ell, C_ell, n_pix, pix_size, n_maps=1000, method='lw', return_maps=False)

Computes the pixel noise covariance matrix and its inverse from a noise power spectrum by generating many random maps with the input power spectrum.

  • ell (ndarray) – Multipole numbers

  • C_ell (ndarray) – Power spectrum values

  • n_pix (int) – Number of pixels on each dimension of the map (i.e. the map is n_pix * n_pix)

  • pix_size (float) – Size of one pixel in the map [arcsec]

  • n_maps (int, optional) – Number of maps to be created. Defaults to 1000.

  • method (str, optional) – How to compute the covariance. Must be either “np”, in which case the covariance is the sample covariance computed via numpy.cov, or “lw” for the Ledoit-Wolf covariance estimated using sklearn.covariance.ledoit_wolf() (default).

  • return_maps (bool, optional) – If True, this function also returns the noise realizations used to compute the covariance, default is False.


  • ndarray – The covariance matrix, shape=(nx^2, nx^2)

  • ndarray – The inverted covariance matrix, shape=(nx^2, nx^2)

  • ndarray – If return_maps is True, the noise maps used to compute the covariance, shape=(n_maps, nx, nx)

panco2.noise_covariance.covmats_from_noise_map(noise_map, pix_size, n_maps=1000, method='lw', return_maps=False)

Computes the pixel noise covariance matrix and its inverse from a noise map by generating many random realizations with the same power spectrum.

  • noise_map (ndarray) – The noise realizations, shape=(nx, nx)

  • pix_size (float) – The size of one pixel in the map [arcsec]

  • n_maps (int, optional) – Number of maps to be created. Defaults to 1000.

  • method (str, optional) – How to compute the covariance. Must be either “np”, in which case the covariance is the sample covariance computed via numpy.cov, or “lw” for the Ledoit-Wolf covariance estimated using sklearn.covariance.ledoit_wolf() (default).

  • return_maps (bool, optional) – If True, this function also returns the noise realizations used to compute the covariance, default is False.


  • ndarray – The covariance matrix, shape=(nx^2, nx^2)

  • ndarray – The inverted covariance matrix, shape=(nx^2, nx^2)

  • ndarray – If return_maps is True, the noise maps used to compute the covariance, shape=(n_maps, nx, nx)


panco2.masks.cut_mask_from_fits(ppf, filename, hdu_mask)

Crops a mask from a FITS file.

  • ppf (panco2.PressureProfileFitter instance) – The panco2 object to create a mask for. This is used to read in the WCS and map size.

  • filename (str) – Path to the FITS file containing the mask to be cropped.

  • hdu_mask (int) – Index of the extension of the FITS file containing the mask.


Boolean mask with the same shape as the data. Warning: this does not check the mask – if the FITS mask is 0 for masked pixels and 1 elsewhere, you’ll need to invert it to use it in panco2.PressureProfileFitter.add_mask().

Return type


panco2.masks.mask_holes(ppf, coords, radius)

Creates a boolean mask by punching circular holes at given sky positions.

  • ppf (panco2.PressureProfileFitter instance) – The panco2 object to create a mask for. This is used to read in the WCS and map size.

  • coords (List of astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord instances) – Coordinates of the centers of the holes.

  • radius (float) – Radius of each hole, in pixels.


Boolean mask with circular holes at given positions. The convention is the right one to use as input for panco2.PressureProfileFitter.add_mask(), i.e. the mask is True in the pixels to be masked and False elsewhere.

Return type
